Newcastle have once again stuck the boot up the media bandwagon's arse for a second time after a very bright start to the new Premiership season.
All the talk last season was about how far would we fall and how quickly. Relegation to the 3rd tier of English football occurred; the whispers of Leeds United were heard around St James' Park during the off season and became a worry for many of us.
That was the product of the media as is the fantasy they created about Newcastle United fans and how delusional we are although they are the ones who tell us we are the greatest supporters and gave us the title "The Entertainers".
They forget where they applied these terms to us, a time we won't forget, a time we were never called delusional for uttering the words Newcastle United and premiership title in the same breath.
"We are a bunch of realistic fans with some optimism and pessimism thrown in"
However the media persist in dragging us down like any plastic Geordie (Mackem) would, but unlike the last 6 years we now have a bunch of lads that resemble a team. This group have strength, determination and what looks like an unbreakable team spirit.
I saw at Chelsea the subs warming up before the game - Nolan, Barton, Carroll and new boy Ben Arfa. They were keeping the ball in the air with 2 touches. The one who made 2 or 3 mistakes first got a round of ear flicking off the rest of the lads. Ben Arfa lost and to their joy they all gave him a flick to his ear. That showed that team spirit was high and they were friends not just colleagues.
All the talk last season was about how far would we fall and how quickly. Relegation to the 3rd tier of English football occurred; the whispers of Leeds United were heard around St James' Park during the off season and became a worry for many of us.
That was the product of the media as is the fantasy they created about Newcastle United fans and how delusional we are although they are the ones who tell us we are the greatest supporters and gave us the title "The Entertainers".
They forget where they applied these terms to us, a time we won't forget, a time we were never called delusional for uttering the words Newcastle United and premiership title in the same breath.
"We are a bunch of realistic fans with some optimism and pessimism thrown in"
However the media persist in dragging us down like any plastic Geordie (Mackem) would, but unlike the last 6 years we now have a bunch of lads that resemble a team. This group have strength, determination and what looks like an unbreakable team spirit.
I saw at Chelsea the subs warming up before the game - Nolan, Barton, Carroll and new boy Ben Arfa. They were keeping the ball in the air with 2 touches. The one who made 2 or 3 mistakes first got a round of ear flicking off the rest of the lads. Ben Arfa lost and to their joy they all gave him a flick to his ear. That showed that team spirit was high and they were friends not just colleagues.
Chris Houghton is looking more of a hero every week as he has gathered a bunch of down hearted, miserable bunch of footballers, injected belief into them and turned the club around from no hopers to winners. He got rid of the lead weights and kept those who were worthy of a place in the dressing room.
The first game back in the Prem could not get much harder and the 3-0 score did not do the game justice. A good performance and more importantly an attacking performance was how we set out from the start. Next came 6 goals at home to Villa, an important away point at Wolves and then defeat to Blackpool before we gave Everton a good game at Goodison and came away with the points just before travelling to Stamford Bridge and giving the champions a hiding.
Oh but Everton lost that game and Chelsea played their second team, they say. Actually we made 10 changes and they made 9 from their previous game. Who, I ask is delusional?
Bollox to them who say we can't dream. Who are they to decide our future? Surely WE are in the the best position to judge what's likely to happen.
The squad is looking good these days with a healthy balance of experience, youth and a depth to the team that has taken us to the lofty heights of the Premiership (6th the time of writing).
Every football fan dreams of success and why not. We are a bunch of realistic fans with some optimism and pessimism thrown in. No better or no worse than other football fans around the world.
The momentum we have gathered at the start of this season will go a long way to help us take the auld enemy apart at the end of October. But as confidence grows so too does the so-called delusion. Or so the media say.
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